Anti-racism alliance

Ark-T’s Commitment to Anti-Racist Practices in Oxford’s Cultural Sector

In March 2021, the Oxford Cultural Anti-Racism Alliance (OCARA) was launched, and Ark-T proudly joined as a signatory to their manifesto.

OCARA aims to unite organisations within Oxford’s vibrant arts and cultural scene. Together, we pledge to dismantle systemic racism within the sector and in the wider community.

By signing the manifesto, Ark-T commits to:

  • Championing lasting cultural change: We actively embrace anti-racist practices to ensure a more equitable and inclusive environment.
  • Meaningful representation: We strive to ensure diverse voices and perspectives from the Global Majority are represented across all aspects of Oxford’s cultural landscape.

We are actively utilizing the IncArts Anti-Racism Toolkit as a valuable resource to implement the manifesto’s action points. This framework guides us in making concrete changes that reflect our commitment to a more inclusive cultural sector.

Together, we can build a more equitable and diverse arts scene in Oxford.