The Art Nest  

The Art Nest is a nurturing, therapeutic space within Orchard Meadow Primary School in Blackbird Leys. We work with children and young people aged 5 to 11, providing a supportive environment to foster growth and creativity.

The Art Nest is a small group therapeutic intervention for children aged between 5 – 11 years old. We work with up to 84 children in a school academic year. Children come for an hour and half each week, for up to 17 sessions during school hours. Their sessions form part of their school timetable and we have witnessed how coming each week can help/support the children reintegrate back into class and improve their attendance as the safe, calm, nurturing environment encourages them to attend. 

Each session is structured into 3 parts:

Sofa time – We welcome the children each week and the soft toy that they have selected is waiting for them to hold/cuddle. These toys can help a child to settle and give them something to hold if they are feeling particularly restless that day. We catch up on news, making sure that every child has an opportunity to speak if they want to. 

We introduce the creative project and outline what they will be doing in the session.  This is also where we read a story each week and Children’s literature plays an enormous part in the session. A different story is selected each session that fits not only with the creative project but also with circumstances of the group. There are stories around friendship, feelings, bereavement etc and these can be used to normalise a situation that the children find themselves in and open up conversations with their peers. 

The Art Nest

Toast table – sharing juice, toast and fruit. Some children come to school hungry and are not ‘ready to learn’. 

During this time the children benefit from positive role modelling and peer to peer support. We also remember the children’s preferred topping on their toast and check that’s still what they want that week. This demonstrates to them that they have been noticed, heard and remembered. We have ‘held them in mind’. 

Art Table – To encourage independent thinking and working. Every child has a named shirt and apron waiting for them each week. The creative, therapeutic activity alongside one other encourages relaxation and is an opportunity to open up conversations. Children are encouraged to go with their own unique style and can learn how to cope with a mistake and even to learn from them “When you make a mistake your brain grows” Everything the children make is carefully considered, we think about how useful it is and they get to take home 2 objects at the end of their referral. eg pillow case, wooden storage box. 

Referrals – The school refer children to The Art Nest for many different reasons for example Bereavement, Neglect, emotional and behaviour support, friendship etc the list is endless. 

We are non-judgemental and hold the children in mind until the following week, taking the opportunity to reflect on something they told us the week before. They know they have been seen and heard.

We hold the children is positive regard and each session begins anew, no matter what has happened during the course of their week either in school or at home. In this way they learn that situations can be repaired and that they can have hope for the future and that their own particular situation isn’t hopeless. 

Safeguarding – We have regular Safeguarding training and know that the children can seize any moment that feels right to them to make a disclosure, sometimes within minutes of entering the room. Any incident is discussed and recorded by the school, following the correct safeguarding procedures.

“Art Nest provides invaluable support to some of our most vulnerable pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), English as an Additional Language (EAL), and those eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). Through its unique integration of art as therapy, Art Nest has created a safe, creative environment that fosters personal growth, emotional well-being, and academic progress for these pupils. This report outlines the positive impact of Art Nest on these pupils, highlighting its contribution to safeguarding, social interaction, mental health, creativity, and artistic achievement.” – Executive Principal

In their own words – Some quotes from children that have attended The Art Nest

E, Year 4
“It’s a wonderful place, if you are feeling sad, coming here helps to calm down

Year 1, July 2024
“When I’m painting, I feel my stress go away” C – “Where do you feel stress?”
“In my tummy like butterflies” 

Year 5 July 2024
“At Art Nest, when people talk about their problems, we can give them ideas to try and help. Like when J had trouble with M”
JC –“Did it help J?”
J “A little bit”

Year 4 July 2024
“We get the opportunity to meet people we didn’t know before and at the art table be able to talk about things”.

Year 5 July 2024
“We learn to interact with others and maybe make friends”

For more information, you can get in touch with me, Clare Keep at Instagram  @theartnest21